Public transportation
To reach McLean by subway, take the Red Line to Harvard Station, then take the #73 bus to the end of the line at Waverly Square, Belmont. To reach McLean by commuter rail, take the train to Waverly Square. From Waverly Square, you may either walk to the hospital, approximately 1/2 mile, or wait for the McLean shuttle van at the MBTA bus shelter (sign posted inside van windshield). Call (617) 855-2121 to check shuttle departure and arrival times. Taxi service is available by calling (617) 489-9999 (Yellow Cab) or (617) 484-2000 (Belmont Cab).
Suggested walking route
(The hospital is located approximately 1⁄2 mile up a large hill)
From the bus and rail station at Waverly Square, cross Trapelo Road at the Star Market traffic light. Walk west towards the gas station, cross Pleasant Street and enter the McLean grounds at the gatehouse (located at the corner of Pleasant Street and Trapelo Road). Proceed up the footpath. The hospital buildings are at the top of the hill.
For further information call McLean Hospital at (617) 855-2000.

Contact Us
Mailman Research Center
McLean Hospital
115 Mill Street
Belmont, MA 02478